Create A Rich, Wealthy Vibe That Attracts Money

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Do you ever say things like…? “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” “Money is the root of all evil.” “Money can’t buy happiness.” Lately, I’m obsessed with studying the power of language. It’s become my latest “addiction.” Like asking powerful questions, it’s so important to be intentional with the words you … Read More

5 Quick Ways To Raise Your Wealth Thermostat + Create A Rich Mindset

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There are thousands of books on practical things to do with your money (and I’ll be discussing them too throughout our journey together), but what’s not talked about as much are the internal ways to change your wealth thermostat and set yourself up for success. “The Inner Game of Wealth” … Read More

4 Easy Tips To Become A Spiritual Money Manager

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Do you believe money and spirituality can co-exist?   Do you feel like you have to choose between being a deeply spiritual woman or being a super successful entrepreneur? I regularly speak to women who believe they have to choose between money and spirituality.  They feel they don’t feel deserve … Read More