The Secret To Creating Money Miracles!

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  If you’ve been in my community for awhile, you know I’m a woman who loves words! I believe in conscious language and know that the words we speak have power in them. Not only are words incredibly potent, what we say becomes our reality. Less than 2 months ago, … Read More

Show Me The Money!

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We live in a society that glorifies money and success, and yet so many women are reluctant to talk about their finances and have a lot of guilt and resistance around creating wealth. Many of us remember the phrase, “Show me the money!” from Jerry McGuire. So many women want … Read More

Rich Life = Rich Focus

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When you say, “Yes!” to one thing, you automatically say, “No!” to something else. When you, “Yes!” to building wealth, you say, “No!” to neglecting your finances. When you say, “Yes!” to building your business, you say, “No!” to treating your business as a hobby. When you say, “Yes!” to … Read More

Sacred. Sexy. Money.

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Money is such an incredible blessing.  It fuels our dreams. It feeds us (literally). It provides us with unlimited opportunities. It funds research. It allows us to follow our dreams, and it empowers us in so many ways. When I think of the word, “money,” so many words come to … Read More

Is “Money” Holding You Back From Your Desires?

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Women often tell me that money is holding them back from pursuing their dreams – whether it’s building their business, traveling, hiring a mentor, getting a new wardrobe and the list goes on-and-on. So, here’s the truth … It’s never about the money. I’ve worked with hundreds of women over … Read More

Are You Ready For A (Quick) Money Breakthrough?

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I’m currently reading The Love Dare (which I’m absolutely loving), and I decided to apply similar principles to money to help you quickly shift your money story and have a breakthrough with your finances. For the next 7 weeks, I’m going to send you money assignments, affirmations, rampages, tapping scripts, … Read More

The Secret To Achieving Your Outrageous Goals Quickly

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Have you ever set a goal or looked at your vision board and started feeling uneasy? Perhaps you set a goal and as much as you said you wanted it, you just couldn’t get yourself to do the things you knew you “should” do. Setting goals can often be a … Read More

The Question I Can’t Answer … Can You?

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Last month I was speaking to a coach who asked me, “If you had no restrictions or limitations, what would you do, be, and have by this time next year?” Of course, I rattled off some huge, outrageous and (if you ask me me) pretty “impressive” goals. I set goals on a regular basis, … Read More