The #1 Reason You Don’t Reach Your Goals

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How did you end 2017?

  • Beating yourself up because you didn’t achieve your goals?
  • Celebrating big wins but feel tired, depleted and overwhelmed?
  • Living a new level of mastery and ready to soar even higher?

As the year comes to an end, you may be excited, nervous and everything in-between.

Like most women, you probably set some big, outrageous goals back in January.

After all, the beginning of the year is always filled with excitement, inspiration and the magic of new possibilities.

Unfortunately, for many women, after the newness wears off and challenges arise (which they always do – it’s called “life”) many women stray from their dreams and intentions.

If you’ve gotten sidetracked for any reason, please be gentle and compassionate with yourself.  It happens to the best of us.

Whether ….

  • You didn’t meet your financial goals and you’re feeling scared
  • You have yet to pursue your dreams – put them aside – or went for them and then got burnt-out or sidetracked
  • You’re overwhelmed with your “To Do” lists and feel defeated and tired
  • You feel as if things aren’t unfolding quickly enough

I’m here to tell you to get excited!  It’s time to leave the past behind and make Quantum Leaps.

At any moment, you can change your trajectory.  

The #1 reason we fall short on our goals is that we don’t have the support required for extraordinary success.  

Too often we do things alone and then give up when challenges arise.

If you’ve gotten sidetracked for any reason, please be gentle and compassionate with yourself.  It happens to the best of us.

Achieving the success you desire is easy when you feel supported, nourished, and have a powerful strategy in place.

Below are 9 crucial questions to ask yourself to ensure your momentum doesn’t slip in the new year.

Inner Work (Mind-Body-Soul)

  1. Do you have a confidential & supportive space for emotional processing (therapist, coach, partner)?
  1. Do you maintain a daily mindset practice (e.g. meditation, reading, journaling) to minimize negative thinking and focus on your desires?
  1. Have you hired your physical health team (e.g. personal trainer, nutritionist, massage therapist) and do they support you regularly?

Support (Team)

  1. Do you have a mastermind group or “Business Bestie” with whom you meet biweekly for encouragement, community and brainstorming?
  1. Do you have a high level coach or mentor for accountability and strategy, with whom you meet at least monthly?
  1. Have you hired your professional success team (e.g. assistant, social media manager, bookkeeper, housekeeper, nanny) and do they support you regularly?

Outer Work (Focus)

  1. Have you mapped out your business/career vision and top 3 goals for 2018?
  1. Have you identified the monthly, weekly and daily tasks required to achieve those goals and have consistent accountability?
  1. Do you have a process in place for evaluating the success of your efforts and making the necessary course corrections?

As you implement these key areas, your life will shift in profound and miraculous ways.

You’ll experience effortless success – accelerated momentum – predictable (sustainable) results – and a life that lights you up and fulfills your deepest desires.


What are your big goals this year?  Leave a comment below, and let know!


Gabrielle Whitney
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